Swbf2 1.3 Patch

Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Embark on an endless Star Wars action experience from the best-selling Star Wars HD video game franchise of all time. Experience rich multiplayer battlegrounds across all 3 eras - prequel, classic and new trilogy - or rise as a new hero and discover an emotionally gripping single-player story spanning thirty years. ♦ This is my quick tutorial to show you how to install Zerted's Unofficial 1.3 patch r129 for Star Wars Battlefront II. This patch allows you to p.

Jul 27th, 2013
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Swbf2 1 3 Patch Mediafire

Swbf2 1.3 patch r129
  1. title SWBF2 UnOfficial v1.3 Patch r83
  2. SET swbf2=D:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonStar Wars Battlefront IIGameData
  3. REM setup all the file/folder paths
  4. FOR /F 'tokens=2* delims= ' %%A IN ('REG QUERY 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARELucasArtsStar Wars Battlefront II1.0' /v ExePath') DO SET check_xp=%%B
  5. FOR /F 'tokens=2* delims= ' %%A IN ('REG QUERY 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINELucasArtsStar Wars Battlefront II1.0' /v ExePath') DO SET check_vista_32=%%B
  6. echo You should have two registry key errors above this line. You can safly ignore them.
  7. IF EXIST '%check_xp%' (SET swbf2=%check_xp%)
  8. IF EXIST '%check_vista_32%' (SET swbf2=%check_vista_32%)
  9. IF EXIST '%check_vista_64%' (SET swbf2=%check_vista_64%)
  10. SET installed=%swbf2%..v1.3patchsettingsinstalled.txt
  11. SET hasHud=%swbf2%..v1.3patchsettingshasHud.txt
  12. SET hasSides=%swbf2%..v1.3patchsettingshasSides.txt
  13. SET noAwards=%swbf2%..v1.3patchsettingsnoAwards.txt
  14. SET noColors=%swbf2%..v1.3patchsettingsnoColors.txt
  15. SET lvl=%swbf2%DATA_LVL_PC
  16. REM
  17. SET retail=.retail
  18. REM Double check for problems
  19. echo.
  20. echo WARNING - Safty check failed:
  21. echo.
  22. echo.
  23. GOTO END
  24. REM auto-install if this batch file is called with the frist argument as '1'
  25. echo ---- Folders ----
  26. REM echo LVL folder: %lvl%
  27. REM echo Installed: %installed%
  28. REM echo Has sides: %hasSides%
  29. echo.
  30. SET /p input=If these folders seem wrong, type 'n' now to cancel or press Enter to continue:
  31. IF '%input%'n' GOTO END
  32. :MAIN_MENU
  33. echo ---- Main Menu ----
  34. IF EXIST '%installed%' GOTO INSTALLED_MENU
  35. echo 1. Install the UnOfficial v1.3 Patch
  36. echo.
  38. IF EXIST '%hasHud%' (echo 3. Remove the HUD changes)
  39. IF NOT EXIST '%hasHud%' (echo 4. Restore the HUD changes)
  40. IF EXIST '%hasSides%' (echo 5. Remove the side changes)
  41. IF NOT EXIST '%hasSides%' (echo 6. Restore the side changes)
  42. IF NOT EXIST '%noAwards%' (echo 7. Disable the award effects)
  43. IF EXIST '%noAwards%' (echo 8. Restore award effects)
  44. IF NOT EXIST '%noColors%' (echo 9. Disable custom map colors)
  45. IF EXIST '%noColors%' (echo 10. Restore custom map colors)
  46. echo.
  47. SET input=badInput
  48. IF '%input%'0' GOTO END
  49. IF '%input%'2' GOTO uninstall
  50. IF '%input%'4' GOTO restoreHud
  51. IF '%input%'6' GOTO restoreSides
  52. IF '%input%'8' GOTO enableAwards
  53. IF '%input%'10' GOTO enableColors
  54. :install
  55. echo Installing...
  56. echo.
  57. echo.
  58. echo.
  59. copy 'stringsv1.3patch_strings.lvl' '%lvl%v1.3patch_strings.lvl'
  60. REM install the preview movie
  61. echo Adding official maps' preview video
  62. copy '.moviepre-movie.mvs' '%lvl%MOVIESpre-movie.mvs'
  63. REM install the settings
  64. echo Updating the settings...
  65. echo This file tells the UnOfficial v1.3 patch's menu system that the v1.3 patch is installed > '%installed%'
  66. echo This file tells the UnOfficial v1.3 patch's menu system that the custom HUD is being used > '%hasHud%'
  67. echo This file tells the UnOfficial v1.3 patch's menu system that the custom sides are being used > '%hasSides%'
  68. IF '%1' '1' GOTO END
  70. echo.
  71. REM Uninstall the sides
  72. CALL .batsremoveSides.bat
  73. REM Uninstall the lvls
  74. CALL .batsremoveMainLVLs.bat
  75. REM Uninstall the strings
  76. echo Updating the strings...
  77. echo.
  78. del '%lvl%MOVIESpre-movie.mvs'
  79. REM Removing the settings
  80. echo Updating the settings...
  81. IF EXIST '%hasHud%' (del '%hasHud%')
  82. IF EXIST '%noAwards%' (del '%noAwards%')
  83. rmdir '%swbf2%..v1.3patchsettings'
  84. echo.
  86. echo Updating the HUD
  87. xdelta.exe -d -s '.retailingame.lvl.retail' '.patchingame.lvl_NoHUD_v1.3patch' '%lvl%ingame.lvl'
  88. pause
  89. :removeSides
  90. CALL .batsremoveSides.bat
  91. pause
  92. :enableAwards
  93. del '%noAwards%'
  95. echo Updating the HUD
  96. xdelta.exe -d -s '.retailingame.lvl.retail' '.patchingame.lvl_v1.3patch' '%lvl%ingame.lvl'
  97. echo This file tells the UnOfficial v1.3 patch's menu system that the custom HUD is being used > '%hasHud%'
  99. echo.
  100. echo This file tells the UnOfficial v1.3 patch's menu system that the custom sides are being used > '%hasSides%'
  102. echo Updating award effect settings...
  103. echo Delete this file to renable award effects > '%noAwards%'
  105. echo Updating map color settings...
  106. echo Delete this file to renable custom map colors > '%noColors%'
  108. echo Updating map color settings
  109. pause
  110. :END
  111. echo Have a nice day and enjoy.
  112. pause
  113. :STOP
RAW Paste Data

Swbf2 1.3 Patch 2020