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NeoPets Guides – Guide to equipping your NeoPet for the Battledome

Written by Astute33

Revision 4 (27 April 04) – Revised the way attack weapons are categorized, added new weapons and more single-use weapons.

Disclaimer: The below guide is based on my own personal experience and it is your own decision whether to follow it. I will not be liable for any loss of NPs if you equip your NeoPet base on the below recommendations.

Part 1: General Setup

Before going out to buy equipment for your NeoPet, you have to first decide your NeoPet’s fighting style. In this Part, I will introduce some common styles and their setup.

Section 1: Balanced Setup

You want to have a balanced fighting style, with offensive, defensive and special effects weapons (such as freezing, stealing abilities) . This setup is more versatile and should handle most situations well. Equipping will generally be quite easy. Even if one item is being stolen, it will not have a crippling effect.

Equipment Setup

Slot 1 – Primary Weapon 1 (max Attack Icons)

Slot 2 – Primary Weapon 2 (max Attack Icons)

Slot 3 – Secondary Weapon (Attack with some defense)

Slot 4 – Defense Weapon (max defense)

Slot 5 – Healing item

Slot 6 – Freezing item or Single Use item

Slot 7 – Bomb or Single Use Item

Slot 8 – Stealing item or Single Use Item

Section 2: Defensive Setup

You want to be more defensive and wear your opponent down slowly. Defensive weapons will be your main concern. This setup will be very good if you are able to get the best defense weapons, however, the equipment maybe more expensive. You would want to be able to defend against as many icon type as possible while still able to attack effectively.

Equipment Setup

Slot 1 – Primary Weapon 1 (max Attack Icons)

Slot 2 – Secondary Weapon (Attack with some defense)

Slot 3 – Secondary Weapon (Attack with some defense)

Slot 4 – Defense Weapon (max defense)

Slot 5 – Defense Weapon (max defense)

Slot 6 – Healing item (preferable with multi-use)

Slot 7 – Freezing item or Single Use item

Slot 8 – Stealing item or Single Use Item

Section 3: Offensive Setup

You want to be more offensive and concentrate on maximum attack Icons of different Icon type. This style is for NeoPets which have very high Health and have little concern for defense. Different types of offensive weapons is equipped to get round all types of defense.

Equipment Setup

Slot 1 – Primary Weapon 1 (max Attack Icons)

Slot 2 – Primary Weapon 2 (max Attack Icons)

Slot 3 – Primary Weapon 3 (max Attack Icons)

Slot 4 – Bomb

Slot 5 – Bomb

Slot 6 – Healing item

Slot 7 – Freezing item or Single Use item

Slot 8 – Stealing item or Single Use Item

Section 4: Other Setup

There are other ways to setup your NeoPet’s equipment, such as having mainly single-use items like snowballs and muffins, or other theme just for fun. These special setups can also be effective, but is usually for specific purposes. Usually, these are not very versatile.

Part 2: Weapon Selection Criteria

Here, I will list out some factors which will affect your weapon selection. I will use the Balanced Setup as a reference as it is the most common and effective setup.

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Section 1: General considerations

Below are the general considerations when selecting your weapons. Points will be in order of importance.

1. Budget – How much are you willing to spend on each weapon. After allocating the budget, you can then search for the appropriate weapon to fill the slots. Note that expensive weapons are not always good and good weapons are not always expensive.

2. Species – Some species have cheap and good species weapons. Always check for species weapon before looking at the general weapons.

3. Opponent Type – Are you are going for 1-player challengers or 2-player battledome fights? This will affect your weapon selection as human opponents are more versatile and unpredictable than 1-player challengers.

Section 2: Offensive weapon considerations

Below are important factors when selecting an offensive weapon. Points will be in order of importance.

1. Attack Icons – The number of Attack Icons is the power of the weapon, so you would want to get the weapon with the most icons. Some weapons have a range of icons, such as 1 to 4 Icons, for such weapons, you should take the average (ie, if it is 1 to 4 Icons, the average is about (1+4)/2 = 2.5 Icons. For 2-player fights, the Icon Type will be of equal importance.

2. Attack Icon type – Some Icon types are easily blocked or avoided. For example, Earth and Phyiscal Icons are very common, and there are many defensive weapons which blocks some amount of Earth / Physical Icons. Try to mix and match your weapons so that it does a few types of Icons. In general, try to have at least 3 Icon types for the 2 main weapons.

Use below list as a guide for Icon Type selection:

Earth and Physical Icons – Common: Most opponents will equip some item to block these Icons

Dark, Fire and Water Icons – Average : Some opponents will equip items to block these Icons

Light and Air Icons – Rare : Most opponents will not have much defense against these Icons

3. Weapon Type – Some weapons are usable over and over again while others may be use once per battle only. Depending on your strategy, some weapons may only need to be used once. Most weapons recommended are Multi-use, so buy the weapon according to your requirements.

Available Weapon Types:

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Multi-use : Can be used over and over again. Always available unless stolen by opponent

Once per Battle : Can be used once every battle. Once you use it in a battle, it will disappear until you fight the next battle

Single-use : Can only be used once. After using the item, it will disappear.

Breakable : Each time you use this item, there is a chance that it will break and disappear.

Semi-Breakable : Each time you use this item, there is a chance that it will break for the battle. It will be usable again in the next battle.

4. Block / Other abilities – These are bonus, if it doesn’t add too much to the cost, you can select weapons which blocks or gives other additional abilities. For secondary attack weapons, you will want it to have some Blocking abilities to compliment your main attack weapons.

Section 3: Defensive weapon considerations

Below are important factors when selecting a defensive weapon. Points will be in order of importance.

1. Defense Icon Type – Some Attack Icon types are very common. For example, Earth and Phyiscal Icons are very common, Dark, Fire and Water are uncommon, Light and Air are Rare. So when choosing Defensive weapons, select those which blocks the more common icons.

3. Defense Icons – The number of Defense Icons is the power of the weapon, so you would want to use the weapon with more blocking icons especially for the common icon types.

4. Attack / Other abilities – These are bonus, if it doesn’t add too much to the cost, you can select weapons which attacks or have other abilities.

Section 4: Special weapon considerations

Below are important factors when selecting special weapon types such as freezing, stealing items. Points are not in any particular order.

1. Freezing weapon – The safest bet would be on items which will freeze 100%, such as H4000 Helmet or Freezing Potion. This will give you more control when fighting. However, these are very expensive and may not be within your budget. In such cases, get the weapon with the highest chance of freezing based on your budget.

2. Stealing weapon – If you want to use a stealing weapon, go for those which have better chance of success. Otherwise, you will end up wasting a lot of turns during combat. In general, stealing is more of a fun ability, most serious battlers will not bother to use a stealing weapon.

3. Healing item – Select one that is close to your NeoPet’s maximum health, if you have a budget constraint, buy the best one you can afford. Some species have special species healing item.

Part 3:Offensive Weapon Selection

Section 1: Species Offensive Weapon

There are many species weapon which are very cheap and powerful, if you have a tight budget (below 100,000 NPs). You should study the available species weapon for your NeoPet before checking the general weapons usable by all species. I will list out the good species weapon below in alphabetical order. Species without good weapons will not be included. Very good species will be marked with an *. All weapons will have at least 4 Attack Icons. For details, check it up at or post in the neoholic forum.

Aisha – Golden Dual Blade Aisha Sword

Blumeroo – Blumeroo Sling Shot

Bruce – Bruce Icicle Spear, Fish Bone Bruce Sword, Icy Bruce Boomerang of Doom

Buzz – Splendid Buzz Sword

Chia – Chia Stomper, Jagged Chia Sword

Chomby – Chomby Slingshot, Steel Chomby Sword

Cybunny – Cybunny Rotten Carrot Attack, Cybunny Utility Belt, Cybunny X Ray Glasses

*Elephante – Elephante Stunray, Enamel Elephante Face Mask, Enamel Elephante Sword

Eyrie – Ancient Eyrie Battle Mask, Ancient Eyrie Power Wand

Flotsam – Flotsam Ice Shell, Flotsam Trident

Gelert – Gelert Wand

Grarrl – Grarrl Claws of Doom

Ixi – Ixi Indestructible Helmet

Jubjub – JubJub Helmet Of Doom, Mighty JubJub Sword

*Kacheek – Kacheek Pebble Lobber, Oaken Kacheek Sword, Kacheek Fire Cannon, Kacheek Ice Cannon

*Kau – Kau Knight Helmet, Kau Mouth Blade, Kau Knight Boots

Kiko – Kiko Water Cannon

Koi – Koi Battle Gloves, Pearly Koi Bubble Wand

Kougra – Kougra Claws

Kyrii – Kyrii Rocket Boots, Kyrii Protectogoggles

Lenny – Dazzling Steel Lenny Mask, Dazzling Steel Lenny Sword

*Lupe – Iron Lupe Sword , Iron Lupe Helm, Sturdy Iron Lupe Boots

Meerca – Meerca Boomerang, Meerca Squirt Bottle

Mynci – Mynci Helmet

Nimmo – Nimmo Apple Bomb, Icy Nimmo Sword

Peophin – Mighty Peophin Flute, Mighty Peophin Helmet, Enchanted Peophin Blinkers

Pteri – Pteri Egg Amulet

Quiggle – Quiggle Boomerang

Skeith – Regal Skeith Staff

Techo – Mighty Techo Helmet

Tonu – Hardened Tonu Boots

Usul – Ornate Usul Gloves

Wocky – Golden Wocky Blade

Zafara – Rugged Zafara Short Sword, Rugged Zafara Staff

Section 2: General Offensive Weapon (Primary weapon selection)

Below are weapon recommendations grouped by number of attack icons it deals, for weapons with variable icons, the average will be taken, for weapons with fractional icons, the number will be rounded off (7.1 to 7.4 icons = 7 icons, 7.5 to 7.9 icons = 8 icons). Only general weapons usable by all species are listed. As this section deals with Primary weapon, only multi-use weapons are listed and all weapons listed are purely attack weapons with no other abilities. The weakest weapon will start with 6-icons.

If you can’t even afford the cheapest 6 icon weapon or your have enough NPs to buy multi-purpose weapons, check out the next section under secondary weapon for more recommendations.


1. Always check for species weapons first, there are many species weapons which does more icons and cost much less.

2. When forming weapon combos, always try to have at least 3 icon types, otherwise, if your opponent has good defence against the icons of your weapons, you will be in trouble.

6 to 7-Icons weapon

1. Bronze Short Sword – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Fire, 2 Dark, 1 or 2 Physical

Comments : 5 to 6 Icons attack is quite decent for its price, fire and dark icons are not easily blocked.

2. Sinsis Gauntlet – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Fire, 2 Light, 1 or 2 Physical Icons

Comments : Good mix of attack icons which combines well with many weapons.

3. Lost Desert Dagger – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Earth, 3 Fire Icons

Comments : 6 constant Icons, value for money even though Earth is easily blocked.

4. Scarab Stone Slingshot – Multi-use

Attack : 4 Earth, 2 Light Icons

Comments : 6 constant Icons, value for money. Not as desirable as LDD due to the Earth icons, but still a good weapon.

5. Brain Tree Mace – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Earth, 2 Water, 3 Physical Icons

Comments : 7 constant Icons, good mid range weapon for those who cannot afford 8 icon weapons.

6. Battle Duck – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Water, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : 6 to 8 Icons is good for its price. Water is not easily blocked.

8-Icons weapon

1. Sinsis Sword – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Fire, 2 Air, 2 Light, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : 7 to 9 Icons is excellent especially with the good mix of icons. A Staple weapon for seasoned battledomer.

2. Melting Mirror – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Earth, 3 Dark, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : The number of Icons is identical to Sinsis Sword, but the icon types are different.

3. Fire Hammer – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Earth, 3 Fire, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : Similar to Sinsis Sword, Melting Mirror in number of icons. Price may be an issue due to the item’s rarity.

4. Florbix Blaster – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Water, 2 Air, 3 Earth Icons

Comments : 7.7 average icons and the good mix of icons will justify it’s price.

5. Fiery Spine of Death – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Air, 3 Fire, 3 Physical Icons

Comments : Excellent weapon with 7.7 average icons, Air and Fire are not easily blocked.

6. Dark Battle Duck – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Water, 3 Dark Icons

Comments : 8 constant Icons is reasonable for its price. Dark and water is not easily blocked. Staple weapon.

7. Pumpkin Stick – Multi-use

Attack : 8 Light Icons

Comments : Although this weapon does only 1 type of icon and cost more than other 8 icon weapons, the light icons are difficult to block and it does a full 8 icons without fractionals.

9 to 11-Icons weapon

1. Mystery Fruit Bowl – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Earth, 3 Light, 3 Physical Icons

Comments : This weapon deals 9 constant icons, the weapon deals 3 icon types which makes blocking difficult.

2. Zaptwig – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Earth, 5 Light Icons

Comments : Expensive for the number of icons, but each of the 2 types of icons is able to pass through either Burrow or Sink, good for 2-player battles.

3. Icy Battle Duck – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Air, 5 Water Icons

Comments : Icons are not easily block, but the price is a bit high.

4. Sack of Sneezing Powder – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Air, 5 Dark Icons

Comments : Icons are not easily block, but the price is a bit high.

5. Storm Amulet – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Light, 2 Fire, 3 Water, 3 Dark Icons

Comments : 4 icon types in one weapon is amazing, and the icon types are all not easily blocked.

6. Glowing Cauldron – Multi-use

Attack : 10 Fire Icons

Special : May also do nothing or Drain 15 pts (without heal), uses opponent’s strength Boost in 1-player battles when opponent is not frozen.

Comments : There are other special effects for 2-player battles, if you plan to buy this weapon, please check with IDB or contact me for more details. This weapon is great for 1 player battles against very strong opponents as you can deal a lot more damage with the opponent’s strength boost.

7. Portable Kiln – Multi-use

Attack : 11 Fire Icons

Comments : The main disadvantage of this weapon is the single icon type, otherwise, it is cheap for the number of icons it deals.

8. Greater Tiki Amulet – Multi-use

Attack : 8 Dark, 3 Fire Icons

Comments : Excellent weapon with 2 icon types, but the price could be very high due to its rarity.

12 to 16-Icons weapon

1. Meukas Snot Trail – Multi-use

Attack : 6 Earth, 6 Water Icons

Comments : The icons may be easily blocked, but the number of icons more than make up for it.

2. Sword Of The Air Faerie – Multi-use

Attack : 6 to 24 Air, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : Attack Icons range from 7 to 27, Air is difficult to block, but the range is big with an average of about 11.8 icons.

3. Asparachucks – Multi-use

Attack : 10 Physical Icons, 4 Earth Icons

Comments : 14 constant Icons is very good for it’s price, icons are easy to block, but not all of it.

4. Carrotblade – Multi-use

Attack : 12 to 21 Earth Icons

Comments : Only one type of Icon, easily blocked, but not easy to block all.

5. Noxious Carrot Blade – Multi-use

Normal Attack : 13 to 19 Earth Icons

Against Lupes : 12 to 25 Dark, 10 Physical

Comments : Good against Lupes, otherwise, it seems that Carrotblade is as good and cheaper

6. Werelupe Claw – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Dark, 5 Fire, 3 Earth, 1 to 5 Physical Icons

Comments : Good mix of icons, very difficult to block this weapon.

7. Ultra Bubble Gun – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Water, 5 or 10 Air, 0 or 5 Physical Icons

Comments : Weapon deals 10, 15 or 20 Icons per attack, fun weapon to use if you like to take risks.

8. Dull Stone Axe – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Light, 5 Physical, 2 to 9 Earth Icons

Comments : This weapon does an average of about 13 icons even though the range is 12 to 19 icons. 3 icon types is good as it is difficult to defend against all of them.

17 or more Icons weapon

1. Sword Of Skardsen – Multi-use

Attack : 15 Dark, 1 to 9 Physical Icons

Comments : This weapon does an average of around 18 icons, for its price, you can’t really find anything better.

2. Ghostkersword – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Dark, 5 Physical, 8 to 23 Air Icons

Comments : Big range of damage with an average of 21 icons, buy this if you like to take risks, other weapons of the same caliber are usually a lot more expensive though.

3. Faerie Slingshot – Multi-use

Attack :Strong Hit (1/3 Chance)

17 Earth, 12 Light, 7 to 30 Physical

Weak Hit (2/3 Chance)

2 Earth, 2 Light, 1 to 3 Physical

Comments : 5 to 59 Icons, extremely big range, average at around 20 to 21 icons, very fun to use if you are a lucky person.

4. Attack Pea – Multi-use

Attack : 24 Earth Icons

Comments : 24 Icons is awesome, easy to block, but hard to block all, watch out for shovels though.

5. Seasonal Attack Pea – Multi-use

Attack : 20 Earth, 8 Light Icons

Comments : 28 Icons is even more crazy, Earth is easy to block, but Light is not.

6. Monoceraptors Claw – Multi-use

Attack : 6 Light, 6 Earth, 6 Fire, 1 to 6 Physical Icons

Comments : Good mix of icons, but the price is very high.

Section 3: General Offensive Weapon (Secondary weapon selection)

Below are weapon recommendations grouped by number of attack icons it deals, for weapons with variable icons, the average will be taken, for weapons with fractional icons, the number will be rounded off (7.1 to 7.4 icons = 7 icons, 7.5 to 7.9 icons = 8 icons). Only general weapons usable by all species are listed.

As this is a list of weapons with multiple functions, they are usually more expensive compared to pure attack weapons with same number of icons as listed in Section 2, hence these weapons are better to be used as secondary weapons. However, if you have a high budget or your NeoPet is well trained in the defence department, you should select these weapons as your primary attack weapon.

3 to 4-icon weapons

1. Dirty Snow – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Earth, 2 Air Icons

Blocks : 2 Earth, 2 Air Icons

Comments: Earth Icons are easily blocked, but it also blocks Earth which is very common. Good all round weapon for beginners or those who do not want to spend too much

2. Fire Snow – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Fire, 2 Light Icons

Blocks : 2 Fire, 2 Dark Icons

Comments: Fire and Light Icons are usually more difficult to block. Good all round weapon for beginners or those who do not want to spend too much

3. Radioactive Snow – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Earth, 2 Dark Icons

Blocks : 2 Earth, 2 Light Icons

Comments : Earth icons are easily blocked, but it also blocks Earth icons which are very common.

4. Mega Force Ice Gloves – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Air, 1 to 2 Physical Icons

Blocks : 3 Water, 3 Fire Icons

Comments : Although the attack is not strong, the high defensive icons more than make up for it, good to equip as secondary or backup weapon.

5. Moon Staff – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Earth, 2 Light Icons

Blocks : 3 Dark Icons

Comments : Useful if you know that your opponent has a high chance to use weapons with Dark icons, otherwise, get a bottled snow instead as they block more icon types.

6. Winged Scarab – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Air Icons

Blocks : 3 Air Icons

Special : Blocks all but 5 to 15 Phyiscal icon damage

Comments : This is an incredible weapon for fighting against opponents with very high strength boost and deals a lot of Physical icons. The special blocking ability means that it will only let in 5 to 15 physical damage no matter how much your opponent deals out.

7. Tornado Ring – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Air, 1 to 2 Light Icons

Blocks : All Air Icons

Heals : 4 HPs

Special : Chance to steal

Comments : Crippling to opponents who relies a lot on weapons with mainly Air icons, this is also a nice weapon which does so many things at the same time. However, the price may be too high due to it’s rarity.

8. Rod Of Dark Nova – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Dark, 2 Fire Icons

Blocks : All Dark and Fire Icons

Special : Heal 35 Health, gives 3 Dark Novas

Comments : Attacks a little, very powerful blocking, heals and gives items too. However, price will be ridiculously high due to its rarity.

5 to 6-icon weapons

1. Immense Rubber Axe Of Doom – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Earth, 2 Dark, 1 to 2 Physical Icons

Blocks : 1 to 2 Earth, 1 to 2 Physical

Comments : 5 to 6 Icons is good for its price even though the icons are quite common. It blocks Earth and Physical too, thats the reason why we want it!

2. Attack Fork

Attack : 2 Water, 1 Dark, 2 Physical Icons

Blocks : 1 to 2 Fire Icons

Comments : A cheap and good beginner’s weapon

3. Tiki Amulet – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Earth, 3 Light Icons

Blocks : 1 to 5 Earth Icons

Comments : 6 constant Icons and blocks Earth Icons which is very common.

4. Zapatron 2000 – Multi-use

Attack : 6 Light Icons

Blocks : 3 Dark Icons

Comments : Although it only deals one icon type, but it is difficult to block, the ability to block 3 Dark icons is an added bonus, good secondary weapon if your main weapon’s icons are common.

5. Hand Painted Scarab – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Fire, 2 Light, 2 Air Icons

Blocks : 2 Water, 2 Physical Icons

Comments : This weapon only does about 4.6 icons damage on average, the 6 icons is for display only. Get this only if you need a secondary weapon to defend against water and physical icons.

6. Greater Orb of the Earth Faerie – Multi-use

Attack : 3 Earth, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Blocks : All Earth, 1 to 4 Air Icons

Comments : This weapon does not attack much, but blocking all Earth icons is very useful as it is such a common Icon type and this weapon will be deadly to opponents relying heavily on Earth icons.

7. Rod Of Supernova – Multi-use

Attack : 2 Light, 1 to 2 Fire, 1 to 2 Physical Icons

Blocks : 1 or 2 Fire, 0 or all Dark

Special : Heal 40 Health, gives 3 Supernovas

Comments : Attacks, Blocks, heal and gives Supernovas. Excellent overall weapon

8. Lishas Wand – Multi-use

May attack or give item

Attack : 2 Dark, 4 Light Icons

Special : Gives an UltraNova

Comments : May attack or give item, random effect is fun but sometimes risky.

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7 to 9-icon weapons

1. Wand of the Moon

Attack: 3 Earth, 2 Fire, 2 Light Icons

Blocks : 3 to 4 Dark Icons

Comments : Nice weapon with 3 attack icon types, the blocking ability is an added bonus when you meet opponents using weapons with Dark icons.

2. Draconian Generals Sword – Multi-use

Attack : 7 Physical Icons

Blocks : 2 Fire, 5 Earth Icons

Comments : Attack icons are easily blocked, but it also blocks Earth Icons which is very common. It is a bit expensive due to its rarity.

3. . Dusty Magic Broom – Multi-Use

Attack : 3 Air, 5 Earth Icons

Blocks : 5 Light Icons

Comments : The attack is quite strong with 8 constant icons, however this weapon blocks Light icons which is not common in most weapons.

4. Jhudoras Wand – Multi-Use

Attack : 3 Earth, 5 Dark Icons

Blocks : All Air Icons

Special : Reflects 75% Light Icons when both Air and Light are used against you

Comments : The special effects as described is the simplified version, there are other damage calculations involved, if you plan to get this weapon, please check with IDB or contact me for more details.

5. Mask Of Coltzan – Multi-Use

Attack : 8 Fire Icons

Blocks : 6 Dark, 5 Earth Icons

Comments : It only attacks with one icon type, however, it’s blocking ability is very powerful.

6. Air Faerie Crown – Multi-use

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Attack : 3 Air, 3 Dark, 3 Light Icons

Blocks : 5 Light Icons

Comments : This weapon attacks with 3 of each icons which are all very rare and hence difficult to block, this weapon deals 8.5 actual icons. The ability to block Light icons is an added bonus, but not many opponents use Light based weapons.

7. Battle Plunger – Multi-use

Attack : 3 to 7 Water, 0 to 7 Physical Icons

Blocks : All Water Icons

Comments : Good against Battle Ducks, attack is random, range from 3 to 14 Icons.

8. Bracelet of Kings – Multi-use

Attack : 5 Light, 1 to 5 Physical Icons

May also do the below:

Blocks : 3 Earth, 3 Dark Icons

Heals : 50 HPs

Special : When it attacks, the effects are similar to the Glowing Cauldron

Comments : This is one of those weapons for people who like to take risks, it could very well do just the opposite of what you want it to do. Depends a lot on luck while using it.

9. Mega Cabbage – Multi-use

Chance to do 1 of the below

Attack : 2 Air, 2 Dark, 2 Water, 2 Earth Icons

Attack : 5 Air, 5 Earth, 2 Dark Icons

Heal : 10 HPs

Comments : This is a fun weapon to use if you are the lucky type, however, it counts as a healing item, so you can’t equip a healer with this.

10 or more icon weapons

1. Slumberberry Potion – Multi-use

Attack : 10 Water Icons

Freeze : 15 to 16% chance

Comments : Excellent weapon for long fights, since the freezing effect doesn’t happen that often. If you have a high level NeoPet (above 200), this weapon should work well as compared to other freezing weapons.

2. Dark Faerie Collar – Multi-use

Attack : 10 Dark Icons

Blocks : 6 Light Icons

Reflect: 25% Dark Icons

Comments : Reasonably good attack, but with only one icon type, defense is good especially against opponents using weapons with lots of dark icons, however, it’s expensive due to the rarity.

3. Illusens Staff – Multi-use

Attack : 13 to 14 Earth, 1 to 5 Physical Icons

Reflect : All Dark Icons

Special : Heals when Health turns red

Comments : Attacks, reflect and Heal when you need it. Nobody would bear to sell it. Complete Illusen’s quests to get it.

4. Wand Of The Dark Faerie – Multi-use

Attack : 20 Dark, 1 to 10 Physical Icons

Reflect : All Light

Special : Heals 20% of Max Health when health reach red

Comments : Attacks, reflect and Heal when you need it. Nobody would bear to sell it. Complete Jhudora’s quests to get it.

Section 4: General Offensive Weapon (Bombs)

Below are weapon recommendations grouped by number of icons it deals, for weapons with variable iconage, the average will be taken, for weapons with fractional icons, the number will be rounded off (7.1 to 7.4 icons = 7 icons, 7.5 to 7.9 icons = 8 icons). Only general weapons usable by all species are listed.

As this is a list of Bomb type weapon, all the weapons are either single use or once per battle. You should look for bombs which deals more icons than your primary weapon or have other functions which gives you an advantage to use it. For single use weapons, only those dealing 9 icons or more are listed as it is more logical to get the Illusen’s Earth Potion otherwise.

6 to 10-Icon weapons

1. Mud Mixture/Caustic Potion – Once/Battle

Attack : 5 to 6 Earth Icons

Heals 1 – 5 health

Comments: Staple weapon for beginners to intermediate battledomers, 5 to 6 Icons is a lot of damage and it heals too!

2. Illusen’s Earth Potion – Once/Battle

Attack : 6 Earth, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : Does an average of 8 icons, average beginner’s bomb.

3. Icy Eye Snowball – Single-use

Attack : 5 Air, 5 Water Icons

Comments : Weapon deals 9.1 actual icons, good for use as a killing blow or after freezing the opponent.

4. Exploding Snowball – Single-use

Attack : 4 Fire, 4 Water, 1 to 4 Physical Icons

Comments : Although the icons shown is 9 to 13, this weapon does an average of about 8.5 icons. Its quite a cheap bomb though.

5. Icy Snowball – Single-use

Attack : 4 Earth, 4 Water, 1 to 4 Physical Icons

Comments : Although the icons shown is 9 to 13, this weapon does an average of about 9.7 icons. The icon types are easily blocked, so this weapon is best used after getting a freeze or when fighting 1-player battles.

6. Tortured Snowball – Single-use

Attack : 5 Fire, 5 Water Icons

Comments : This weapon deals the full 10 icons which is slightly better than the Icy Eye Snowball.

7. Silver 00 Hog Battlecard – Single-use

Attack : 5 Air, 5 Light Icons

Comments : 10 difficult to block icons is powerful.

8. Silver Spectre Battlecard – Single-use

Attack : 5 Light, 5 Water Icons

Comments : 10 icons is quite good, however the icon type is not as good as the Silver 00 Hog Battlecard.

9. Supernova – Single-use

Attack : 3 Fire, 3 Light Icons

Heals up to 15 HPs

Comments : Attacks and heals at the same time, but a bit expensive.

10. Darknova – Single-Use

Attack : 5 Dark, 4 Fire Icons

Heals : 3 to 22 HPs

Comments : 9 Icons attack is quite powerful, the healing helps too, but it is a bit expensive.

11 to 15-Icon weapons

1. Honey Potion – Once/Battle

Attack : 13 Earth, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : This is a staple weapon for most intermediate battlers, there isn’t any other bombs with similar iconage at it’s price. Once you get this, the other single-use weapons in this list will not be very appealing anymore.

2. Sticky Snowball – Single-use

Attack : 5 Earth, 5 Water, 1 to 5 Physical Icons

Comments : Although the icons shown is 11 to 15 icons, this weapon deals an average of 10.5 icons damage. However, it is still cheap due to large supply.

3. Snow Mudball – Single-use

Attack : 5 Earth, 5 Water, 1 to 4 Physical Icons

Comments : This weapon deals an average of 11.5 icons damage which is actually better than the Sticky Snowball even though the icons show otherwise, get this instead if the price is same or lower than the Sticky Snowball. Icon types are easily blocked.

4. Fire Muffin – Single-use

Attack : 4 Light, 4 Fire, 4 Physical Icons

Comments : This weapon deals the full 12 icon damage and the Light and Fire icons are not easily blocked.

5. Stone Muffin – Single-use

Attack : 5 Dark, 5 Earth, 5 Physical Icons

Comments : This weapon deals 13.5 icon damage, it’s a bit expensive to use frequently though.

6. Water Muffin – Single-use

Attack : 5 Water, 5 Earth, 5 Physical Icons

Comments : This weapon deals the full 15 icon damage, the icon types are common, but not easy to block all with such high number of icons.

16 or more Icon weapons

1. Fruit Bomb – Once/Battle

Attack : 10 Fire, 5 Earth, 1 to 5 Physical Icons

Comments : As there are not many good bombs around, this would be the next upgrade after Honey Potion.

2. Ghostkerbomb – Once/Battle

Attack : 10 Fire, 10 Earth, 1 to 10 Physical Icons

Comments : One of the most powerful bomb weapons around. However, the price is also high, only useful after you have already built up a great battle set.

3. Jhudora’s Potion – Once/Battle

Attack : 16 Dark, 1 to 10 Physical Icons

Comments : Was once the most powerful bomb, this is still very expensive, probably better to get a Ghostkerbomb.

4. Hubrids Puzzle Box – Once/Battle(3 Turns to use)

Attack : Take 1/3 of Opponent’s Current Health

Comments : Only good against opponents with lots of Health.

Part 4: Defensive Weapon Selection

Section 1: Species Defensive Weapon

There are many species weapon which are very cheap and powerful, if you have a tight budget (below 100,000 NPs). You should study the available species weapon for your NeoPet before checking the general weapons usable by all species. I will list out the good species weapon below in alphabetical order. Species without good weapons will not be included. All listed weapons are generally better and cheaper than similar general ones. For details, check it up at or post in the neoholic forum.

Aisha – Golden Aisha Shield

Blumaroo – Blumaroo Face Mask

Bruce – Padded Bruce Jacket

Chia – Chia Stomper

Chomby – Chomby Power Helmet

Cybunny – Cybunny X Ray Glasses

Draik – Silver Draik Armour

Elephante – Enamel Elephante Face Mask, Enamel Elephante Shield

Eyrie – Ancient Eyrie Battle Mask, Ancient Eyrie Crest Shield

Flotsam – Flotsam Ice Shell, Flotsam Trident

Gelert – Gelert Wand

Ixi – Ixi Indestructible Helmet

Jetsam – Majestic Jetsam Shield

Jubjub – JubJub Helmet Of Doom, JubJub Speed Boots, Mighty JubJub Shield

Kacheek – Oaken Kacheek Shield, Oaken Kacheek Sword


Kau – Kau Knight Helmet, Kau Knight Shield

Kiko – Enchanted Kiko Shield

Koi – Koi Battle Gloves, Enchanted Koi Shield

Korbat – Korbat Chestplate

Kougra – Kougra Metallic Shield

Kyrii – Kyrii Protectogoggles

Lenny – Dazzling Steel Lenny Mask

Lupe – Iron Lupe Collar, Iron Lupe Helm, Sturdy Iron Lupe Boots

Meerca – Meerca Propeller Hat

Mynci – Mynci Helmet

Nimmo – Nimmo Apple Bomb, Icy Nimmo Battle Helmet

Peophin – Mighty Peophin Flute, Mighty Peophin Helmet, Enchanted Peophin Blinkers

Pteri – Pteri Egg Amulet, Pteri Precision Helmet

Scorchio – Scorchio Wing Shields

Skeith – Regal Skeith Staff, Skeith Shield

Techo – Mighty Techo Helmet

Tonu – Tonu Leather Shield

Usul – Ornate Usul Collar, Ornate Usul Shield

Zafara – Rugged Zafara Shield

Section 2: General defensive Weapon (Shields/Reflectors)

There are not too many useful Shields and reflectors available, the list will be in the order of usefulness. Only general weapons usable by all species are listed. Always check for species weapons first, there are many species weapons which blocks more icons and cost much less. Prices may fluctuate, the price range given is for reference only.

1. Thyoras Tear – Once/Battle

Blocks : All Icons

Comments : Blocks all Icons once per battle, equivalent to giving you a free turn. The ultimate defensive weapon, but price is also ultimate.

2. Downsize! – Once/Battle

Blocks : 50% of all Icons

Comments : No neopoints to buy Thyoras Tear? Get this instead. Staple weapon useful in most situations. You should have this even if you already have the Thyoras Tear.

3. Ghostkershield – Multi-use

Blocks : All Dark, 5 Earth, 5 Physical, 3 Air, 3 Light Icons

Comments : This shield blocks 5 icon types and a considerable amount of each, it is powerful but not cheap.

4. Virtupets X-514 Super Shield – Multi-use

Blocks : 3 Earth, 2 Dark, 2 Light, 2 Water, 1 to 3 Physical Icons

Comments : Blocks 5 types of Icons including all the most common types.

5. Leaf Shield – Multi-use

Blocks : 5 Water, 5 Earth,3 Physical Icons

Comments : Blocks the most common icon types and quite a large amount of them too.

6. Frozen Collar or Large Metal Shield – Multi-use

Blocks : 2 Air, 2 Earth, 2 Water, 2 Fire Icons

Comments : Blocks various types of Icons, good defensive weapon for it’s price.

7. Scamander Shield – Multi-use

Blocks : 2 Earth, 2 Water, 2 Fire, 2 Physical Icons

Comments : Blocks various types of Icons which are all very common.

8. Sponge Shield – Multi-use

Blocks : All Water, 1 to 7 Physical Icons

Comments : This will disable any opponents depending on water icons, the ability to block Physical icons is also quite good since it is so common.

9. Clawed Shield – Multi-use

Block : 3 Dark Icons

Reflect : 60 to 80% Fire Icons

Comments : Nice shield which blocks some Dark icons in addition to the Fire reflection.

10. Kings Lens – Multi-use

Reflect : 50% Earth, 50% Light, 50% Dark Icons

Comments : The abilities of this weapon is impressive, but the price is astronomical.

11. Ultra Dual Shovel – Multi-use

Reflect : 75% Earth Icons

Comments : With Earth Icons so common, this can be deadly against Attack Pea users!

12. U-Bend of Great Justice – Multi-use

Reflect : 80 to 100% Water Icons

Comments : The ultimate in water reflection. Probably too expensive though.

13. Mega U-Bend – Multi-use

Reflect : 75% Water Icons

Comments : Tired of people using Dual Dark Battle Ducks? Use this to get back at them.

14. Reflectozap 2000 – Multi-use

Reflect : 80 to 100% Fire Icons

Comments : If your opponent uses dual Portable Kiln, they will hate you.

15. Ultimate Dark Reflectorb – Multi-use

Reflect : 75% Dark Icons

Comments : Best backup weapon against opponents using Sword of Skardsen.

16. Triple Turbo Dryer – Multi-use

Reflect : 70% Air Icons

Comments : Nice surprise for your Ghostkersword wielding opponent.

17. Combo Battle Mirror – Multi-use

Reflect : 75% Light Icons

Comments : The ultimate in Light reflection, but only useful in special battles.

18. Shovel Plus – Breakable

Reflect : 50% Earth Icons

Comments : If you expect your opponent to use a weapons with Earth icons, this would be a good and cheap weapon to make him/her think twice.

19. Super U-Bend – Breakable

Reflect : 50% Water Icons

Comments : Your answer to opponents using weapon with lots of water icons.

20. Turbo Flame Reflector – Breakable

Reflect : 50% Fire Icons

Comments : This would be the weapon to take out when you see your opponent using dual Portable Kiln.

21. Ultra Dark Reflectorb – Breakable

Reflect : 50% Dark Icons

Comments : Although not many weapons deal large amount of Dark icons, but the few that does is very deadly. Having this as a backup is not a bad idea.

22. Double Dryer – Breakable

Reflect : 50% Air Icons

Comments : This would be the weapon to take out when you see your opponent using weapons with lots of Air icons.

23. Dual Battle Mirror – Breakable

Reflect : 50% Light Icons

Comments : Light icons are not very common in weapons, only use if you know that your opponent is going to have Light based weapons.

Part 5: Special Weapon Selection

Section 1: Species Special Weapon

There are many species weapon which are very cheap and powerful, if you have a tight budget (below 100,000 NPs). You should study the available species weapon for your NeoPet before checking the general weapons usable by all species. I will list out the available species weapon below in alphabetical order. Species without good weapons will not be included. All listed weapons are generally better and cheaper than similar general ones. For details, check it up at or post in the neoholic forum.

Blumaroo – Blumaroo Health Potion (Heals 50% of Max HP)

Elephante – Elephante Stunray (May freeze opponent), Elephante Unguent (Heals 50% of Max HP)

Gelert – Gelert Healing Remedy (Heals 50% of Max HP)

Kacheek – Kacheek Life Potion (Heals 33% of Max HP when HP below 33%, otherwise, Heal to Full)

Koi- Pearly Koi Bubble Net (may freeze opponent)

Lupe – Ancient Lupe Wand (freeze opponent), Lupe Grabber Jaw (may steal opponent’s weapon), Lupe Wand (freeze opponent)

Meerca – Meerca Mesh Net (may freeze opponent, Multi-use)

Peophin – Golden Peophin Harp (freeze opponent)

Poogle – Poogle Liquid Freeze Potion (may freeze opponent)

Quiggle – Quiggle Sword of Terror (may freeze opponent)

Shoyru – Shoyru Grappling Hook (may steal opponent’s weapon)

Section 2: General special Weapon

Below are recommended special weapons grouped by weapon type.

Healing Weapons

1. Slime Potion – Once/Battle

Heal 10 HPs

Comments : Beginner’s healing item.

2. Bronze Scorchstone – Once/Battle

Heals 15 HPs

Comments : Good for NeoPets with slightly over 15 Max HPs.

3. Red Scorchstone – Once/Battle

Heal 20 HPs

Comments : Good for NeoPets with slightly over 20 Max HPs.

4. Blue Scorchstone – Once/Battle

Heals 30 HPs

Comments : Good for NeoPets with slightly over 30 Max HPs.

5.Green Scorchstone – Once/Battle

Heal 40 HPs

Comments : Good for NeoPets with slightly over 40 Max HPs.

6. Purple Scorchstone – Once/Battle

Heal 50 HPs

Comments : Good for NeoPets with slightly over 50 Max HPs.

7. Rainbow Scorchstone – Once/Battle

Heal 80 HPs

Comments : Good for NeoPets with slightly over 80 Max HPs.

8. Jade Scorchstone / Jeweled Scarab – Once/Battle

Heal Full HPs

Comments : Ultimate healing item.

9. Supernova – Single-use

Attack : 3 Fire, 3 Light Icons

Heals up to 15 HPs

Comments : Attacks and heals at the same time, but a bit expensive.

10. Darknova – Single-Use

Attack : 5 Dark, 4 Fire Icons

Heals : 3 to 22 HPs

Comments : 9 Icons attack is quite powerful, the healing helps too, but it is a bit expensive.

11. Ultranova – Breakable

Attack : 4 Fire, 3 Light, 3 to 4 Air Icons

Heals : 4 to 24 HPs

Comments : Attacks and heals at the same time, may not always break after use.

12. Caustic Potion / Mud Mixture – Once/Battle

Attack : 5 Earth Icons

Heals 1 to 5 HPs

Comments : Attacks with decent 5 Icons and heals 1 to 5 HPs is a bonus.

13. Amulet of Life / Life Giver / Lucky Robots Foot – Single-use

Heals to Full

Comments : If you cannot afford a Jade Scorchstone, these would do the same job.

14. Everlasting Crystal Apple – Multi-use

Ability : List all your opponent’s weapons

Heals 30 HPs

Comments : One of the rare items with Multiple healing capabilities, but it doesn’t come cheap.

Freezing Weapons

1. Freezing Potion – Once/Battle

Attack : 2 Water Icons

Freeze opponent

Comments : Similar effect as H4000 Helmet, but cost about twice as much due to the 2 Water Icons. Get this only if you have a lot of spare NPs.

2. H4000 Helmet – Once/Battle

Freeze opponent

Comments : Standard freezing weapon. Gives you control as it will work 100%.

3. Ice Dice – Multi-use

Roll 7 – Breaks for battle

Roll 2, 3, 11 – Freeze Opponent

Comments : Capable of multi-freeze, leave a lot to chance. Good for long fights during 1-player battles.

4. Green Frost Cannon – Semi-breakable

Attack : 3 Water, 0 to 2 Physical Icons

Freeze : around 15% chance

Comments : Weapon will break for battle when it gets a freeze.

5. Snowglobe Staff – Semi-breakable

May Attack : 3 Water, 3 Light Icons

May Freeze opponent

May give Yellow Snowball

May Break for battle

Comments : Good freezing weapon if you cannot afford the H4000 Helmet.

6. Black Frost Cannon – Semi-breakable

Attack : 3 Water, 0 to 2 Physical Icons

Freeze : around 20% chance

Comments : Weapon will break for battle when it gets a freeze.

7. Rainbow Frost Cannon – Semi-breakable

Attack : 4 Water Icons

Freeze : around 20% chance

Comments : Weapon will break for battle when it gets a freeze.

8. Terror Stone – Breakable, Once/Battle

Freeze opponent

Comments : If you can’t afford the H4000 Helmet, this could be used as a temporary solution, but it is not cheap to use if you battle frequently.

9. Slumberberry Potion – Multi-use

Attack : 10 Water Icons

Special : May freeze opponent around 15% chance

Comments : Very high price, but a multi-use freezing item is extremely powerful especially for long battles.

Stealing Weapons

1. Yellow Sticky Hand – Multi-use

May steal opponent’s weapon

Comments : Reasonable chance of stealing weapon.

2. Green Sticky Hand – Multi-use

May steal opponent’s weapon

Comments : Good chance of stealing weapon, better than Yellow Sticky Hand

3. Rainbow Sticky Hand – Multi-use

May steal opponent’s weapon

Comments : Very high chance of stealing weapon.

. End of Guide –


Most of the detailed weapon information are taken from

The above guide is based on my personal experience, there is likely to be flaws and inaccuracies as the system in NeoPets changes with time. If you have any ideas to improve the guide and wish to inform / update / correct me on any mistakes which I made, please neomail me ( Astute33) or send me an email (, it would be preferable if you include a short quotation of the section which require correction or updating. All ideas/suggestions used in the guide provided by other users will be given full credit. If you like to discuss more about battledome weapons. Please visit NNN Forums at /forums/ or IDB forum at .If you think that this guide is useful and wish to modify and/or post this guide publicly on your own website or Guild, kindly inform me. This will motivate me

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