Jan 11, 2016 The converted neopets that can accomplish this are BDs, Names (RW/RNs, 3/4Ls) and Ice Boris. Trading BDs for UCs One of the most common kinds of converteds that can trade for UCs are Battledome Neopets, meaning, pets that have high stats to be used on fights.
- The Neopet and petpet name generator Which generation do you belong to? Greatest Generation (before 1946) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1984) Millennial (1982-2004) Generation Alpha (2005 till now).
- List of Untaken Neopets Names. If you’ve stumbled upon this list, than your probably looking for a new untaken username or untaken neopet name! Thiking of a new neopet name is probably real hard to do, but that’s why I’ve compiled a list of available neopets names that you can create!
Pirate Piece of the Day
Delusion (Cursed) Piece Ratings: 2.67 Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale |
Cadet-Captain Mike | Name: Delusion (Cursed) Card: RF #LE01 (Special Edition) Points: 35 Masts: 10 Cargo: 7 Moves: L Guns : 4S,4S,3L,3L,3L,4L,4L,3S,3S,3S Hit %: 433 (S), 217 (L) Link : Fitzgerald Ability: Eternal, Filching Gold, Ghost Ship, Junk, Unholy Light Ten-masted junks are in a league of their own. Twice the size of the biggest 'normal' ships in most factions, and even dwarfing the 6-masted junks available to a select few fleets, it's hard to compare them fairly to other ships. So I'll look at this one without comparing her to others. The Delusion was available only in a RF 'Plunder Pack,' and she holds the dubious title of being the most expensive ship in the game. 35 points buys you a lot, though: seven cargo, ten fair-to-middling cannons, and five abilities of varying quality. With a Helmsman on board to speed her up, she becomes a superb (but expensive) gold ship. Add a Captain, and she's a magnificent (but costly) fighter. That same Helmsman lets her catch and ram other ships, and she's an awesome (but pricey) boarding ship. The Ghost Ship keyword means she'll never get towed home by an enemy, and the Eternal keyword means that sinking her is a lost cause. Yes, the Delusion can do it all. She'd better be able to do it all, for that price. Add her linked crew, Fitzgerald, who makes her even nastier at boarding, and that takes care of your 40 points in a basic game (or spend the 5 points on the Helmsman and Captain instead). She's obviously meant for larger-than-standard battles where players can spend points like a drunken buccaneer spends doubloons. All her many attributes pale in comparison to that sky-high point cost. And if the enemy hits her with a Canceller, she's just a big, expensive target. This is a ship somewhat akin to a Star Destroyer in the Star Wars universe -- it's so big and powerful, it can achieve as much by intimidation as by actually doing anything. Using her in battle is a kind of conspicuous consumption; you're saying, 'I'm using her just because I can.' But her cost means you're putting all your eggs in one basket, which usually isn't the way to win at Pirates. By all means use her at least once, if only to scare the willies out of your opponents and make them worry about when you might do it again. But if you can't afford some support fighters and smaller gold ships to help her out, she'll never win a battle all by herself. Goldship rating: 4.8 / 5 Gun Ship rating: 5.0 / 5 Boarding rating: 5.0 / 5 Value for points: 1.9 / 5 |
Matthew | Ship Name: Delusion Faction Affiliation: The Cursed Rarity: Special Edition Point Value: 35 Points Masts: 10 Cannons: 3L-3L-3L-4L-4L-4S-4S-3S-3S-3S Speed: L Cargo Space: 7 Link: Fitzgerald Ability: Eternal. Filching Gold. Ghost Ship. Junk. Unholy Light. The Delusion was the only ten-masted ship I had ever received, and she is rather unique compared to the other 10-masted ships issued. She is only available in Plunder Packs and glows in the dark, and her rather unique texture can be attributed to the chemicals that make her fluoresce in the dark. Most of the abilities of this ship are not listed in the typical instructions manual, but they can be found on the tiny flap that comes with the sealed Delusion. However, she does have quite a few cons. For starters, she’s a whopping 35 points, and she’s not very decent at fighting aside from blasting a large hole in several ships. Even though 7 cargo spaces is a lot, the ships Pandora and Dark Hawk II both have equal or greater cargo spaces than this ship. Plus, they are cheaper and a lot more efficient than this ship. In a large Deathmatch, this ship is above-average, for she can cram a large quantity of crew such as El Phantasma (OE), El Phantasma (DJC), Helmsman, Oarsman, Cannoneer, Davy Jones (DJC), and 2 more oarsmen. For 70 points, you get a ship with 3L’s and 2S cannons, and that’s always a plus in my book. Alternatively, if you don’t have the cheaper ships with this large of a cargo space, then this ship can be used as a treasure ship with her terrifying abilities (you need the sheet to remember all of these) as a gold runner (steal treasure from any ship you touch, reveal all cargo within L of this ship), and for sure any ship that comes across her is doomed. The last notable feature of this ship is her Eternal ability, which means that this ship is invincible unless sunk by being canceled or towed and then scuttled. The Delusion will always have a impression in my mind, and I hope the same remains for all. Fighting Ship: 4/5 Gold Ship: 3.96/5 Boarding Ship: 5/5 Raiding Ship: 3/5 Point Efficiency: 3/5 Guerilla Efficiency: 2/5 Speed Efficiency: 3/5 Average: 3.45/5 |
Draco Starcloud | Delusion Ooooh....it's the glow-in-the-dark 10-mast Junk from Rise of the Fiends! But is this Junk all bark and no bite? She's got a lot of keywords to help her out but most of them are oriented towards boarding enemies, which will be utterly unable to resist this behemoth unless the enemy is a 10-mast Junk as well or the Delusion is injured. Powers: I needed a new section just to talk about Keywords. Delusion has the 'Eternal' keyword, so your investment will never be lost except to ability cancellers. She also has, obviously, the 'Junk' keyword. She's got the 'Ghost Ship' keyword that will let her move through islands to catch boats to board. 'Unholy Light' allows you to look at the treasure on every boat and island with 'L' of the Delusion after it moves, allowing you to pick the best prey or to see if an island is worth stopping at. 'Filching Gold' lets you have a single gold from any ships Delusion is touching, which is fine if you decide to kill a crew with your boarding party or don't use linked crew Fitzgerald, who lets you take as much gold as you can hold from your boarding victim. What she lacks that some of the other Junks had is an ability to make crew not take up cargo spaces. Cargo Space: 7 spaces is about what you'd expect a Junk to have. Masts: 10 masts with three 3S, three 3L, two 4S, and two 4L cannons. While almost half her guns only have 33% accuracy, the rest of the guns are still good enough to warrant a captain if you decide shooting will be her duty. Base Move: L is what you'd expect from a fighter. A Helmsman is almost necessary if you want to board enemies, even if he does take away a spot for gold. Point Value: At 35 points, the Delusion is the most expensive 10-mast Junk of them all and the thing she's best at is boarding. Her speed's tied for the best of 10-mast Junks but her guns are also the worst, having more 4s than any other 10-mast Junk. Delusion can still serve as a gunboat, but you can get a lot of smaller gunboats with captains for the same price as Delusion and 35 points is a lot for a giant boarder. I give the Delusion a 2.5/5. |
The Shop Directory. Welcome to the Shop Directory version 3.0 with me, your host, The Shop Wizard!Here you can find a complete listing of every single shop in Neopia, including some of the more obscure ones such as the Hidden Tower and the Igloo Garage Sale.
For Shops: For Userlookups. Altador Cup Shop Layouts. Altador Cup Shop Layouts; Normal Shop Layouts; How does it work? These are pre-made layouts to use in your shop. Copy the coding in the box and then paste it into your Shop Description.We had to seperate the shop and gallery layouts due to the strict blocks neo has put on codes in shop layouts. R/neopets: r/neopets is the place to be without fear or scorn by TNT! I love the layouts by Mexxy at whitespace! When the Super Shop Wizard gets tired, so I. Altador Cup Shop Layouts. Altador Cup Shop Layouts; Normal Shop Layouts; How does it work? These are pre-made layouts to use in your shop. Copy the coding in the box and then paste it into your Shop Description. We had to seperate the shop and gallery layouts due to the strict blocks neo has put on codes in shop layouts. On Neopets, many people decorate their userlookup, pet lookups, petpages, and shop/gallery with layouts coded in html/css. These layouts tell people about you and your pets. By simply decorating them, you will blend in with others on Neopets and make yourself seem more legit and trustworthy.
Welcome to the Shop Directory version 3.0 with me, your host, The Shop Wizard! Here you can find a complete listing of every single shop in Neopia, including some of the more obscure ones such as the Hidden Tower and the Igloo Garage Sale.
We've organized the list of shops into categories based on the type of items each shop sells and included a link to the Item DB () to show you all of the items each shop stocks! If we have a guide for the shop in question, you can visit it by clicking the fancy Jelly Kacheek head (). We hope this serves as an amazing resource for those users wanting to learn the ropes of restocking.
Remember, every 3rd day of the month is Half Price Day where all the Offical Neopian Shopkeepers cut their prices in HALF! (This excludes the General Store, Hidden Tower, Igloo Garage Sale, Little Nippers, Neohomes Superstore, Neopian Neggery, Shop of Mystery and the Smuggler's Cove). You can use this shop directory to locate the best deals during Half Price day!
They are, meaning they can only be created on their special pet day (Oct. Neopets jetsam. Once Jetsam were made, the numbers increased. 25 cm.The Jetsam ( jeht-sam) is an aquatic, shark-like Neopet. Although they prefer to stay in the water, Jetsams can move on land equally well.Jetsam are 25cm (0.82ft) on average, making them one of the smallest Neopet species.On 17 May, 2001 Jetsam was made due to the decreasing number of their main food source,.
Battledome Books Clothing & Wearables Collectables Food
Furniture & Gardening Medicine Petpets Toys Misc Shops Special Shops
Kauvara's Magic Shop | Battle Magic | Defense Magic | Space Weaponry |
Space Armour | Ice Crystal Shop | Tyrannian Weaponry | Sakhmet Battle Supplies |
Haunted Weaponry | Kayla's Potion Shop | The Scrollery | Brightvale Armoury |
Brightvale Motery | Royal Potionery | Maractite Marvels | Desert Arms |
Faerie Weapon Shop | Illustrious Armoury | Magical Marvels | Wonderous Weaponry |
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Magical Bookshop | Faerieland Bookshop | Sutek's Scrolls | Booktastic Books |
Brightvale Books | Words of Antiquity | Neovian Printing Press | Moltaran Books |
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Unis Clothing Shop | Prigpants & Swolthy, Tailors | Mystical Surroundings | The Second-Hand Shoppe |
Cog's Togs | Ugga Shinies |
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Collectable Card Shop | Neopian Post Office | Collectable Coins | Collectable Sea Shells |
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Fresh Foods | Chocolate Factory | The Bakery | Health Foods |
Smoothie Store | Tropical Food | Grundos Cafe | Spooky Food |
The Coffee Cave | Slushie Shop | SHIFS Shop | Faerie Foods |
Tyrannian Foods | Hubert's Hot Dogs | Pizzaroo | Lost Desert Foods |
Merifoods | Jelly Foods | Refreshments | Kiko Lake Treats |
Cafe Kreludor | Brightvale Fruits | Qasalan Delights | Exquisite Ambrosia |
Exotic Foods | The Crumpet Monger | Molten Morsels |
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Neopian Garden Centre | Neopian Furniture | Tyrannian Furniture | Osiri's Pottery |
Spooky Furniture | Kiko Lake Carpentry | Petpet Supplies | Kreludan Homes |
Faerie Furniture | Roo Island Souvenirs | Brightvale Glaziers | Chesterdrawers' Antiques |
Neohomes NP Superstore | Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic |
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Neopets Shop Layout Generator

Neopian Pharmacy | Lost Desert Medicine | Remarkable Restoratives |

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Neopian Petpet Shop | Robo-Petpet Shop | The Rock Pool | Spooky Petpets |
Faerieland Petpets | Tyrannian Petpets | Peopatra's Petpets | Ye Olde Petpets |
Wintery Petpets | Maraquan Petpets | Geraptiku Petpets | Legendary Petpets |
Fanciful Fauna | Krawk Island Nippers | Moltaran Petpets |
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Toy Shop | Usukiland | Darigan Toys | Plushie Palace |
Springy Things |
Neopets Shop Layouts Premade
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Grooming Parlour | Neopian Gift Shop | Neopian Music Shop | Neopian School Supplies |
Tiki Tack |

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Note: These shops either stay stocked or have their own restocking methods that differ from Official Neopian Shops! | |||
Almost Abandoned Attic | Ever Stocked General Store | Hidden Tower | Igloo Garage Sale |
Smugglers Cove | Tarla's Shop of Mystery | The Neggery |
Neopets 4l Names List
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This article was written by: Jawsch