Microsoft Outlook Optional Send Invite

Microsoft Outlook Optional Send Invite

Wayne Connect offers calendaring which can be used to easily manage and schedule meetings with other users. Follow the steps below to mark attendance as optional in a calendar event invite. Create a new calendar event by clicking the arrow next to New+ in either Outlook or your Outlook calendar. Click Calendar Event. Add attendants under People. Sign in to vote. This is issue is seen in the following scenario: Outlook 2007 users with mailbox in exchange 2003 or 2007. User proposes a meeting and has as only attendee an alias. After members of the alias accept the meeting, the meeting tracking tab shows those attendees as optional attendees. If you're the meeting organizer, the easiest way to invite someone else to a meeting is to open the meeting from your calendar and add them as an attendee. After you've added the additional attendees, click Send Update. You can choose whether to send the update only to added or changed attendees or to all attendees. Aug 20, 2019 Wayne Connect offers calendaring which can be used to easily manage and schedule meetings with other users. Follow the steps below to mark attendance as optional in a calendar event invite. Create a new calendar event by clicking the arrow next to New+ in either Outlook or your Outlook calendar. Click Calendar Event. Add attendants under People. When your email and meeting is all setup, click send. Outlook sends an email with special additions that let receivers respond and add the event to their own calendars. What recipients/invitees see. How the invitation appears to invitees depends on their email software or web browser. Here’s our invite in Outlook software.

Creating and tracking appointments to Dynamics CRM is one of the base functions to keep all information per account and contact at one place.

Therefore all appointments with a customer should be created or tracked to CRM. But be careful with this approach. As soon as you create an appointment in CRM, this appointment will be sent as an invitation to all attendees (like outlook is doing this).

Microsoft Outlook Optional Invite

I created an example, to show how this is working.


First I created a new appointment. Therefore I added a contact as required and an account as optional. Then I added some information and saved the appointment.

Outlook Optional Invite


Microsoft Outlook Optional Send Invite Online


In the background, CRM will send the invitation to the account and the contact. After the invitation was sent, you will see this as sent item in your outlook (in the folder sent items).

If the attendees doesn’t get the appointment-invitation you should check your mailbox. Be sure that your “Outgoing Email“ and “Appointment, Contacts, and Tasks” are set correctly and in Success-State.