Huniecam Studio

HunieCam Studio.rar - Google Drive. HCS on Steam: on Humble Store: HunieCam Studio players take. HunieCam Studio Crack CODEX Torrent free. download full PC +CPY. HunieCam Studio Crack is a simple program. Making money is essential for developing your skills and paying the fees associated with the use of virgins. This site may contain some graphic adult content. Please press ENTER if you understand. All characters depicted in our products are at least 18 years old. In HunieCam Studio players take control of a sleazy cam girl operation. Rake in stacks of filthy internet money and attract as many disgusting fans as you can in this fast paced, click happy.

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HunieCam Studio is a Western Business Sim in the same way that HuniePop is a Dating Sim. Created by the same developer, Ryan Koons, it casts the player in the role of being a 'Camgirl Tycoon' in charge of their own website and employees, with the mission of making as many fans as possible in twenty-one days. A number of those potential employees are characters from the original HuniePop.

Watch the first trailer here. A second trailer was uploaded upon the game's release, which you can watch here.

The game was released on April 4th, 2016 and is available on Steam and Humble Bundle.


The game provides examples of:

  • Achievement Mockery: The game awards the player an achievement for contracting all six STDs on a single save file. While this is technically a matter of luck, STDs can be prevented with the correct items, meaning that catching so many of them would be the result of extremely poor decision-making. Either that, or using the last-day motel spam technique.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Downplayed. While the returning girls' fundamental personalities are the same, many of them have been given slight development to explain how they came to work as camgirls. Notable examples include Beli becoming more comfortable with her sexuality, and Lola looking for a career change out of frustration.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: At the end of your three weeks, you get a number of tokens depending on how well you did that lets you unlock hair and clothing options for the girls, which have no actual effect on gameplay.
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  • Animal-Eared Headband: You can buy them in the Adult Shop and give one to the girls to appeal to the Furry Fandom. The wardrobe of some girls also offer this, such as Jessie with her bunnie outfit hairstyle.
  • Art-Shifted Sequel: The Animesque art style of HuniePop was changed in favour of a more simplistic Western cartoon style. According to the developers, this change was made in part to defy being typecast.
    HuniePotDev: Ideally we can make each project something totally unique. We're not interested in being a sequel-ware company.
    • Having said that, the Devs opened multiple opinion polls since announcement asking what art style people prefer, though they ultimately decided to stick with the cartoonish art style.
  • Ass Shove: Never shown explicitly, but heavily implied by the Butt Plug item. Giving it to a girl allows her to cater to fans of the Anal category.
  • Awesome, but Impractical:
    • A girl who has both high talent and high style can do her own photo shoots to gain the greatest possible number of fans, and earn more money from each fan when they do cam shows. The problem is that a girl's wage doubles each time you raise either talent or style by one point, so that whereas a girl with 1 talent and 1 style earns $1/hr, a girl with 5 talent and 5 style earns $256/hr. High wages can negate the benefit of the money she brings in, so it makes more sense to have style-heavy girls who focus on photo shoots and talent-heavy girls who focus on cam shows. At least in normal mode you can take a style-dominant girl who's built up a large fanbase and max her talent later on in order to turn her into a money earner, and you can consider hiring a girl with high base stats like Renee or Marlena from the modeling agency in the later game when you've accumulated the fanbase and items to support them. In hard mode there's no such wiggle room because the starting wage is $3/hr, which means a 5-5 girl costs $768/hr! And sure, you can cut that in half with a piggy bank, but by the late game you need all available slots for fetish items to increase fan count. All that makes even Lola, Candace, and Brooke kind of tricky to work with in hard mode, while making Renee and especially Marlena practically out of the question.
    • Hiring a high talent girl from the modeling agency before you've gotten a large enough fanbase for her through advertising or a photo shoot girl who serves the same fetishes. Talent enables a girl to earn more money from her fans, but if there isn't a large enough fanbase she will cost more money to employ than she earns.
  • Bleached Underpants: Despite a way more risque premise than the first game, it has no explicit pornographic content. Though this has more to do with nudity not suiting the art style than anything else.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Aside the two default fetishes a girl satisfies, there's optional fetishes you can boost her up with. You know, the usuals: sex toys, an Animal-Eared Headband for the furries, a ball gag for those into bondage, a gallon of water for those that have a pee fetish, and a chocolate cake for the people that like cake farting.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Kyu is once again the master of this. At the end of the game, she says that you can always replay to get a higher score, not that she cares because she's a fictional character.
  • Black Comedy Burst: Audrey's reaction to finding out the protagonist of the previous game was cheating on her with so many girls at once – namely, doing loads of drugs and turning into a bitter shell of a woman, desperately turning to livecams to fund her coke habit and try to reclaim some sense of control and agency over men – probably came off a little darker than the devs intended.
  • Buxom Is Better: Fans of the Huge Tits category certainly think so. Inverted for fans of the Flat Chest category.
  • Call-Back: There are several to HuniePop:
    • One of the Asian fetish sites you can advertise on is called 'Yellow Plague', which is how Kyu described her love of Asian girls.
    • One of the Bondage fetish sites is called 'Closet Freaks', which is how Kyu described Beli after seeing her panties.
    • One of the Squirting fetish sites is called 'Milky Pink Pie', a reference to Tiffany's favourite colour.
    • Aiko's underwear is called 'Naughty Teacher', a reference to one of her bedroom lines.
    • The Stuffed Whale and Stuffed Sheep date gifts are visible in the background of Nikki's CG.
    • The vibrator and butt plug items use similar sprites to the Pocket Vibe and Fairy's Tail, two of Kyu's unique gift items.
    • Some of the returning girls' CGs are similar to their photos in HuniePop:
      • Tiffany's CG has her in an almost identical pose to her post-coital photo, the only real difference being that she has a skirt on.
      • Beli's CG has her in a very similar pose to her post-coital photo, with her lower body lifted up and her legs folded back over her head. The only real difference is that she's doing a handstand instead of resting on her shoulders.
      • Jessie's CG is a picture of her doing a cam show, just like her third photo. It has several similar elements, such as the box of tissues on the table and the identical webcam.
  • Cap: You can have up to 99 cigs and drinks.
  • Cigarette of Anxiety/I Need a Freaking Drink: Cigarettes and drinks are used to reduce the amount of stress a smoking and/or drinking girl suffers from making her activities, allowing her to work for a longer time before having to hit the spa. Running out causes the girls with those requirements to skyrocket in stress. There are equippable items that take away their requirement, though, but this has the tradeoff of taking up item slots that could be used to cater to fetishes.
  • Chubby Chaser: There's people out there that like girls with a little more meat on their bones. Girls with the 'Chubby' and 'Thick Ass' tags can do good to them.
  • Commonplace Rare: You only have a small chance of finding a single condom on any trip to the adult shop, despite the fact that in real life they're usually sold in packs of 10+.
  • Continuity Snarl: Fans are encouraged to not take the continuity between HuniePop and HunieCam Studio too seriously.
    HuniePotDev: The continuity in Hunie games is like Zelda. In 20 years we'll make up a timeline trying to piece it all together.
  • Conveniently Common Kink: Many of the girls react enthusiastically to any item they're given, including ones that involve catering to rare or unusual fetishes. While some others might express shock, no girl is unwilling to cater to any fetish, even something like Cake Farting.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: Continuity Snarl entry above aside, it's worth noting that, as a reference to the events of the previous game, Audrey's descent into harder drugs was because she found out her previous boyfriend cheated on her (you could play as a girl in the first game, though it had no effect on gameplay).
  • Darker and Edgier: The promo material released thus far indicates the game is going to be more in-your-face with the smut and Black Comedy than HuniePop was. In particular, Audrey's life taking a darker turn in her bio pic and the Steam Greenlight description describing the ability to 'abandon your morals and die of a drug overdose' (though that could just be a joke).
  • Despair Event Horizon: The girls becoming too depressed to do any kind of work if they catch AIDS suggests this.
  • Drugs Are Good: Audrey's coke addiction is stated to be 'awesome'. Cocaine can also be bought for your girls to speed up their actions. Weed can be used to minimize a girl's stress.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Most of the girls' outfits have creative and interesting names, apart from Beli's underwear. It's just called 'Underwear'.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: The new art style gives all the girls heart-shaped pupils.
  • Experience Booster: The Stripper Heels and the Fashion Magazine halve the time it takes to increase a girl's Talent or Style, respectively, while cocaine makes a girl do any task faster.
  • Eye Catch: To compensate for the lack of visual in-game fanservice, the loading screen has images of the girls in various fanservice-y moments. You can collect each girl's leading image by unlocking all of her outfits.
  • Fanservice Pack: Inverted for the most part with returning girls, with most of them going down at least one cup size. Played straight with Nikki, who went from a C to a DD cup with no explanation (though she's also 28 pounds heavier than she was in HuniePop, so it's possible that all the extra weight just went to her breasts.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Some of the returning girls from HuniePop have canonical interest in some of the fetishes you can cater to, such as bondage for Aiko or anal sex for Jessie. These girls still can't cater to those fetishes unless you give them appropriate accessories.
  • Godzilla Threshold: If you're on the last day, and you need money to buy the last couple ads that will put you over the top, spamming the sleazy motel with all your girls even if you don't have condoms becomes a justified tactic. They will all have an STD by the time you're done, killing that save file for post-game fooling around, but if you only care about your 21 day high score the ends justify the means.
  • Hartman Hips: All the girls thanks to the new art style, though Beli is particularly noticeable.
  • Hotter and Sexier: Zig-zagged. The premise is hotter and sexier, and there's mention of hardcore fetishes and kinks. That being said, the game itself will lack the nudity and graphic sex of the first game.
    HuniePotDev: [Nudity] just doesn’t go with the art style. Trust me, we tried it, it's... weird.
  • Item Caddy: A very common strategy is to have one girl serve as a dedicated gopher, doing nothing but making runs to the stores and occasionally the adult shop. On teams with a lot of heavily addicted characters, this role becomes absolutely essential. There's even a special item for it - the Shopping Basket, which doubles the amount of booze and cigs that the user brings back from the stores. When tallying up your end score, the game even acknowledges who you designated as your 'Errand Girl'. On rock hard difficulty it becomes necessary to have two errand girls to cover consumables, and preferably a third to handle recruiting and the item store.
  • Likes Older Women: Jessie, Brooke, and Nadia attract this type of fan.
  • The Load: There's a risk of girls who frequently drink or smoke becoming liabilities if you can't nail the sequence for setting up your errand girl(s). They get stressed at a slower rate as long as you keep the cigs and booze coming, but if their supply is interrupted they get rapidly stressed and are stuck in a vicious cycle of needing the Day Spa until you correct the shortage.
  • Luck-Based Mission: It's up to chance which three girls you can choose from in any one trip to the modeling agency, or which six items you can choose from in any one trip to the adult shop. In hard mode it can throw you off if you don't get the girl your build works best with right out the gate, and you're screwed if you have bad luck with the adult shop several times in a row and can't get the shopping basket when you need it. When you're thwarted thusly by bad luck in the opening days, it's better to just give up and start over.
  • The Millstone: Any girl who ends up getting AIDS can't do any tasks, not even make trips to the Corner or Liquor stores, without having the Steroids item used on them, which only lasts for three in-game days. Other incurable STDs carry nasty penalties, but won't render your girls unable to do the most menial tasks - at that point, you're better off shelving her.
  • Multinational Team: Aside of the already diverse cast from HuniePop, there's a Russian woman, a Brazilian woman, and a girl from the Pacific.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: Though the first trailer linked above has gameplay indicating that Jessie is bisexual and Nikki's a lesbian (or that they at least cater to those fetishes), there is no sexuality-based fetishes or mechanics present within the final game, nor can you control how long cam shows, photo shoots, etc. take in the method pictured. The second trailer, which was uploaded around the time the game released for sale, is more accurate.
  • Nostalgia Filter: There's a Steam achievement for employing a staff entirely made out of HuniePop girls named 'Brand Loyalty'.
  • Nothing Personal: Kyu will tell you this in response to you going in debt. She doesn't want to fire you, but she will if you fail to keep your money out of the negatives.
  • One Curse Limit: The STD system in this game works this way. There are 5 different STDs that the girls can acquire while being escorts, but each girl can only have one STD at a time because you can't send her to escort anymore until her current one is cured.
  • Race Fetish: The 'Latina', 'Asian' and 'Ebony' preference tags.
  • Serial Escalation: Take the (optional) sex stuff that made the original game famous, and ramp it up to a ridiculous degree. The devs are having fun playing with their reputation.
  • Shout-Out:
    • One website/community in the Promos tab is named DegenerateART. Another, catering to the Tattoo fetish, is named Homicide Girls, alluding to the real-life pin-up website Suicide Girls. There's also an Asian fetish site called Sakura Spirits, likely a reference to the Sakura line of adult visual novels.
    • The handheld that Nikki is playing in her CG is very obviously a Nintendo 3DS, and there are two controllers on the shelf in the background that are extremely reminiscent of Wii remotes (they're thin and rectangular, and have wrist-straps).
  • Skill Gate Character: Girls with moderate or no vices are much easier to manage than their more-indulgent counterparts, but stress out faster. New players will find them easier to keep happy, but more addicted characters are pretty much essential to getting high scores due to being able to do more work before needing to spend time in the spa.
  • STD Immunity: Averted. The girls can get six different kinds of STDs at the Sleazy Motel working as escorts. Four of them can be cured by antibiotics, while the other two are incurable. They cause different penalties to the stats, but if a character gets AIDS then they can't do anything anymore (without steroids).
  • Take That, Us: The trailer for HunieCam Studio says it is brought to you by 'basement dwelling virgins', and that it's a game 'absolutely nobody asked for'.
    • The official Twitter gives small blurbs about the girls appearing in the game. Instead of trying to make the girls appealing, they're all written to be as scathing and insulting as possible.
    • A subsequent trailer calls the devs 'degenerates' and the game a 'depraved corruption of a perfectly innocent game genre'.
  • Take That, Audience!: 'Abandon your morals and disappoint everybody who cares about you!'
    • Kyu's congratulatory words for winning the Diamond Dick trophy? 'Congrats! You're the all time champion of putting pictures of girls' faces on top of buildings! You must be so proud!'
    • At the beginning of a new game, she'll tell you that she won't be paying you because she's already doing you a huge favour by letting you manage her girls, saying 'this is the closest you're getting to female interaction right now.'
    • She also calls the player a 'sick freak' when explaining fetishes.
  • You, Get Me Coffee: Each of the girls is interested in cam work according to her bio, but you can pick whichever one you like to be a mere gofer who's always fetching supplies and never gets to perform on camera. Nikki, Kyana, and Tiffany are most suited to this role because they don't drink or smoke and have minimum talent and style when you recruit them, meaning they're low maintainence and you can pay them the lowest wage while your actual cam girls are earning the big bucks.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Some of the girls, including Nikki from the last game, will have strange hair colors such as green, pink, peach, purple, white and even rainbow. Zoey, and fittingly Sarah, are the queens of this.
  • Your Size May Vary: Many of the girls look considerably more buxom in their wardrobe achievement images than in their sprites.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: As mentioned, you can make your girls have unprotected sex with clients and cause them to get an STD up to and including AIDS, just because you want immediate cash. Furthermore, instead of taking care of her illness you could just get another girl to replace her.
  • Virtual Paper Doll: You can unlock various hairstyles and outfits for the girls. They've no in-game value other than to play dress-up with them.


It’s obvious that whenever a follow-up to a very successful game is about to come out, certain expectations are going to arise, regardless of whether they’re justified or not and often completely independent of whether the new game is even a sequel or not.

Such was the case for HunieCamStudio, the second game from developer HuniePot and the first after the (relatively, for the adult scene) smashing success of their lewd Bejeweled clone HuniePop. There were certain expectations about how this new game should look, how it should play, what the art style should be, how much porn it should have (HunieCam Studio is definitely M-rated, but not explicit), etc. We all know this, courtesy of the generated buzz and hype, so there’s no point dancing around it. Let’s get it out there. Still, in the interest of utter fairness, and because I firmly believe a video game should be judged on what it is (and what it’s marketed to be – it is a consumer entertainment product, after all), I’ll act as though those expectations did not exist.

In short, this is a review based entirely around whether or not the game is worth buying. If you’re looking for commentary on the current art style vs the former one, please don’t expect that from this article.

With that out of the way, let’s get to the soft, supple, perfumed meat of the article.

If only the actual game were as raunchy as the menu and loading screens.

The basic premise behind HunieCam Studio is that your fairy friend Kyu has hired you to manage her camming studio, dedicated to providing high-quality video and photo content of sexy camwhores to the Internet’s legions of perverts. You’re supposed to hire girls, pay for their upkeep (including salary, accessories, drinks and cigarettes, and boutique expenses), and make money off their work by whoring them out in cam sessions and photo shoots. In essence, it’s supposed to be a gameplay-focused (there’s basically no plot) management simulator with a decidedly adult twist.

The gameplay of HunieCam Studio mirrors this premise. The bulk of your work as a manager is separated into two distinct areas – the first being menus, where you’ll be able to hire girls, pay them, set their accessories, invest in improvements, and see which kinds of fans your girls are pulling and at what rate. The second area is the building map, where you’ll assign girls to workplaces, such as the cam studio, a modeling agency, and a photo studio.

This sounds mechanically simple, but if HunieCam Studio has one thing going for it, it’s the level of polish these mechanics have. For example – you can hire a total babe, but she’ll charge more, and maybe the fetishes she caters to aren’t really supported by your existing fanbase, so she’ll start losing you gobs of money until you’ve done enough photo shoots with her to attract fans that will actually pay to watch her. How about another scenario – once you have a large cast of girls, you’ll want all of them working multiple different buildings for maximum efficiency, but you can only speed up work productivity one building at a time. Yet another – you’re momentarily in debt due to a large payroll expense. You could dig your way out of it easy with several camming sessions, except all your girls who can pull that kind of money are stressed out and won’t want to work until long after the debt clock’s given you a game over. This combination of multiple engaging factors actually makes HunieCam Studio a pretty strong and difficult management/clicker game. You’ll struggle to hold onto your money while simultaneously spending on extra investments and keeping your girls productive and happy, and the balance of cash inflow/outflow can get delicate enough that even small victories feel very hard-earned.

If I had to state a problem with HunieCam Studio‘s gameplay, it is one that’s a constant with pretty much every aspect of the game: it’s very polished, but there’s no content to support it. Yes, you have to manage your cash loop, but for what purpose? To buy more upgrades that will give you more money, which in and of itself only serves to buy more stuff and so on and on? There are basically no in-game events to spice up the core gameplay. Yes, HunieCam Studio has no plot, but you don’t need that to create additional content that ties in to what the gameplay has you do. Ultimately, my reaction to HunieCam Studio‘s gameplay was initially one of very pleasant surprise, then disappointment as I figured out that all these polished mechanics did not exist for any purpose other than their own sake.

Huniecam Studio

A perfect example of this is the camming. The game is called HunieCam Studio. It’s about managing camwhores. You do all sorts of things throughout the management system, but the only way you can obtain revenue is through having the girls work the cam studio. Taking all these things into account, how many times do you get to see girls actually cam during a normal gameplay session? Zero.

The cop-out from the developers here was that the art style clashed with explicit scenes and was meant to be comedic, but I don’t buy it. Firstly, even cartoon art styles can be sexy without being explicit. Secondly, the concept HunieCam Studio is working with sort of demands sexiness, which for some reason the gameplay really shies away from in spite of it being very obvious that you’re managing scantily clad girls. I mean, it’s a game about camwhoring, right? If that’s so, at least throw me some fucking cleavage once in a while, is all I ask!

And no, the loading screens don’t count as “in-game”.

Setting aside the gameplay, let’s take a look at the visual aspect of HunieCam Studio for a bit. Besides the obviously polished work in buttons and the building map, the most important bit regarding the games visual aspect should be the sprite work, which is done in a deliberately cutesy, shiny, cartoon style. We all know about the “controversy” that flared up when it was announced that HunieCam Studio would deliberately have a very different art style compared to HuniePop, but disregarding that and judging the art on its own merits, I found myself actually liking it. The glossy cartoon style is very cute, and in spite of the developers’ own protestations, I find no reason why it couldn’t be sexy, as seen in the pictures already shown in this review.

If I had to name one big problem with the artwork, it’d be a recurring tragedy I already mentioned – there’s not enough of it. You get to see one sprite per girl, plus one large scene per girl. The latter will only show up during the loading screens that appear when you load a game or return to the main menu and never in-game. Playing through the game unlocks new outfits to dress the girls in and change their sprites, but that leads us back to the polished-but-shallow gameplay I mentioned before; it’s hard to replay a game that wasn’t very interesting to play the first time.

Huniecam Studio

At least my bitchy fairy friend brings me comfort… when she feels like showing up.

Sound-wise, HunieCam Studio is more of the same. Setting aside the decent but unspectacular music, the voice work is incredible for an indie game. Kyu’s voice, in particular, is basically pure sex from the first cutesy, high-pitched vowel to the very last word. That said, good luck actually hearing anything that showcases the voice work. Outside of the tutorial, most of the voice interaction you have with the girls consists, at most, of a couple of canned lines. Again and again, a ton of polish, not enough content to back it up.

Shallow, if you will.

As far as options go, you have your basic volume dials and resolution drop downs, though HunieCam Studio disappoints in not having a 1080p option, with the game capping at 900p. Considering the polished visual presentation, this feels a tad like a gross oversight.

Huniecam Studio Mac

At least we have Tiffany’s ass to console us. In the loading screens. That you never see.

Bottom line: even at the bargain price of $6, I can’t really recommend HunieCam Studio to you, my readers, unless you really, really like management sims. For everybody else seeking an adult twist on the management concept, it won’t be lewd enough, fun enough, or worth replaying enough to justify the price, as the beautiful exterior polish wears out its welcome fast once you realize there’s nothing more forthcoming. Then, of course, there’s the big problem with a shallow game like this – even if the price dropped outrageously from $6 to $1, it would still feel lacking in content, as cheapness cannot make up for emptiness.

Huniecam Studio Game

If you’re still interested in trying out HunieCam Studio after all my scathing commentary,you can buy it on Steam here or in the Humble Store here. Developer HuniePot‘s development blog and official site is here, although unlike with HuniePop, they do not sell HunieCam Studio directly on it.