Hello, everyone. How can I download Battlefield 1942? I tried to at the Origin, but it keeps me sending to the Battlefied's site back and forth. If you have any questions about this release of Battlefield 1942, see the FAQ below. To discuss the game, head to our newly opened Battlelog forum. Battlefield 1942 Origin Digital Download FAQ Q: Is it really free? To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Battlefield 1942, we are offering the full game at no cost. Battlefield 1942, an FPS game released in 2002 by Electronic Arts. The game was released for PCs and Macintosh PCs. In Battlefield 1942, players play the role of soldiers from one of the five states participating in the Second World War. Various vehicles and five infantry classes are available to players.
Ten years ago, a small studio known as Digital Illusions CE released Battlefield 1942, a first-person shooter that stood out–even among titans of the genre such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Unreal Tournament 2003–due to its impressive combination of vehicles, infantry, and WWII action gameplay. Today, in addition to BF1942’s 10-year anniversary celebration, the developers at DICE are also lauding the fact that, Battlefield 3 Premium has amassed over two million members worldwide. To celebrate both the two million member milestone and the 10-year anniversary of BF1942, we’re pleased to offer Battlefield 1942 for free, exclusively through Origin.
That’s right, you can this own this piece of digital history–on us, uncut and unaltered, the classic original game just as it was 10 years ago. That means that it will run on just about any computer you try to play it on.

Yes, it’s 10 years old, but load it up once and you’ll see for yourself how special BF1942 still is today–despite the years of visual and technical enhancement that have gone into successors like Battlefield 3. In a genre that had you either being a foot soldier or a pilot, here was a game that lets you do both. While other games would focus on an infantry skirmish, here was a game that where you can ride a boat across the water to a beach, shoot it out upon landing, and then hop into a jeep or plane–all within the same level or multiplayer match. BF1942’s Conquest mode and its innovative mechanics (such as capture and hold, the ticket system for managing players’ lives and respawns for a team) were a fresh take on multiplayer that includes best of Deathmatch and Capture-the-Flag combined. It was the only game that let you and some friends climb into a WWII tank together and perform different roles within. It also had a not-so-serious side–such as the super silly but memorable realization that even though the fighter planes are nominally single-seaters, when players stand on the wings at the right place and angle, said fighter plane suddenly become a fast troop transport, parade float style, with a bunch of soldiers standing on the edge of both wings.
If nothing else, it’s also worth playing just to hear the original theme music that’s been ever-present throughout the entire Battlefield franchise since its debut in BF1942.
Celebrate Battlefield Premium and BF1942’s anniversary by downloading your free copy today.
Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons Of Wwii
To celebrate our 10th anniversary and two millionth Premium member, we are giving away Battlefield 1942 for free! Relive it if you’re an old-time fan. See where it all started if you’re new to the series. You can download Battlefield 1942 right now on Origin at: http://origin.com/demos and learn more about this DICE classic here: http://blogs.battlefield.com/2012/11/download-bf1942-for-free/
If you have any questions about this release of Battlefield 1942, see the FAQ below. To discuss the game, head to our newly opened Battlelog forum.
Battlefield 1942 Origin Digital Download FAQ
Q: Is it really free?
A: Yes! To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Battlefield 1942, we are offering the full game at no cost. We want everyone to be able to see where it all started.
Q: When is it available on Origin?
A: It’s live now under the free games and demos section! Head to this URL to download it: http://origin.com/demos
Battlefield 1942 Download Full Game
Q: Where can I learn more about Battlefield 1942?
A: At this recently updated product page: http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield-1942 and at this games page on dice.se: http://dice.se/games/battlefield-1942.
Q: Is this a remake of Battlefield 1942?
A: No. This is the original game Battlefield 1942, for the first time available as a digital download on Origin.

Q: Does this free digital download version include an of the expansion packs originally released for Battlefield 1942 (The Road to Rome and Secret Weapons of WWII)?
A: No.

Q: Can I play online against players who have the original disc-based version?
A: No. This Origin digital download version can only be played against other players who are using the same version. But since it’s free for everyone, everyone can download their own copy of the game. This version of the game will only show applicable (new) servers in the server browser.
Q: What are the differences between this version and the original disc-based version of Battlefield 1942?
A: No practical differences. We have done some under the hood work to make this game from 2002 work as a digital download title on Origin.

Q: Can I run a server for the game?
A: Yes, you can easily run a server from the front end menu within the game client. This server will be visible to all other players via the server browser.
Q: Can I run a dedicated server for the game?
A: Yes, you can run a dedicated server by running the file “DedicatedServer.exe”. It is located in the folder where you installed Battlefield 1942 through Origin. This will present you with all available settings, maps and modes for you to customize before pressing the button “launch server”. This server will be visible to all other players via the server browser.
Q: Do you have official servers set up?
A: We are setting up new servers specifically for this release of the game. You should find them by searching for the phrase “EA PUBLIC”.
Q: I have problems connecting to online games
A: Please note that a sudden surge of players into Battlefield 1942 may make online play temporarily unstable. If this happens, please try again later.
Q: Can I use this version of the game together with old Battlefield 1942 mods?
A: This is untested and we cannot guarantee any mod functionality. Sporadic testing leads us to believe that Desert Combat 0.7 works, as well as Eve of Destruction 2.5. For more discussion on popular mods, head to the new Battlelog forums we have set up specifically for this release of Battlefield 1942. Please share your findings on which mods work and which do not.
Q: Will I need to manually patch this version of the game?
A: No. This version includes any updates needed. If we were to update this version of the game in the future (this is not likely), we will do so via Origin.
Q: I have a question that is not answered here. Where do I go?
A: Please note that while we are proud to present this game to all of our fans after 10 years, we are not able to actively support it from a customer support standpoint. Tailoring this disc based game to work as a digital download title has been a labor of love from us at DICE, and we are very proud to be able to offer this classic to everyone for free.
However, we are not able to support it the same way we are supporting Battlefield 3 and its expansion packs. We are hoping that those who find Battlefield 1942 interesting will have patience with any issues they experience and that they will help each other on the EA Answer HQ at http://answers.ea.com/.
We are also opening up a new forum section on Battlelog where you can discuss Battlefield 1942 and specifically this Origin release of the game.

* Conditions apply; please visit http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield-1942 for complete details.