Ghosts Of The Ostfront

At long last there’s a new episode out of Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast: Show 27 – Ghosts of the Ostfront I. But the most haunting part of Donovan Webster’s book is when he takes several planes and a bunch of cars to get to this spot in the middle of nowhere, on the steppes of southern Russia, to see something that very few. Dan Carlins Hardcore History is an audiobook available itunes, youtube, audible and at www.dancarlin.Watch without distraction. This is a piece of fan work. Through the Maelstrom: a red army soldier soldiers war on the eastern front, 1942-1945. There is also a German novel just like this one, and as Dan mentions in 'Ghosts of the Osfront' both of these soldiers were oppressed by the totalitarian state they lived under, ones father was sent to a concentration camp, the others father to a gulag, eventually they are both conscripted by their. Hardcore History, “Ghosts of the Ostfront” (2009) The four-part Hardcore History series on the Eastern Front of World War II is almost five hours long. And that’s short for a Hardcore.

TheGhosts of the ostfront 3

I’m surprised I have never mentioned Dan Carlin’s historical podcasts here yet. I got a lot out of “Blueprint for Armageddon“, his six-part history of WWI (source of this account). Listening to his thoroughly-researched and passionately-delivered work has led me back to a number of books by serious historians as well as primary accounts. Those include G. J. Meyer’s A World Undone: The Story of the Great War, 1914 to 1918 which I have gone through more than once as an audiobook and Ryan Cornelius’ The Last Battle about the fall of Berlin in 1945.

On the Greyhound trips to Ottawa and back, Myshka and I listened to three of the four episodes in “Ghosts of the Ostfront” — a macabre but instructive account of the Nazi-Soviet war from 1941 to 1945.

Ghosts Of The Ostfront Ii Soundcloud

There are lots of reasons to be interested in the eastern front in WWII, but the familial connections were at the forefront of my mind. The series does a good job of explaining the situation faced by those in countries between the two great powers during the war, including all those who became double victims oppressed by both the Soviet and Nazi autocracies.

Ghosts Of The Ostfront Part 1

Carlin and his research and production team have lots of other great stuff, from a free discussion with favourite historian and thinker James Burke to his detailed history of the life of Genghis Khan to the unbelievable story of the Anabaptist takeover of Munster in 1534. His preference for the bloody ought to be noted, but to me his work doesn’t seem to revel in violence for its own sake but more to try to discern the broad lessons of history.